Design Research Dissertation

Wu Xin Ying
April 2018 - July 2018
Design Research Dissertation

Module Outline

Week 1 (1/4/19)
For the first week of the module, Dr. Hayati gave us an introduction and briefing on this module. SHe brief and explain to us on our project and exercises that we need to done throughout the whole semester. After the briefing, she talk about the presentation that we need to done in this week. She told us to make some changes on the previous presentation slides we did last semester and explain that what we need to include in the presentation. After that, each of us have a consultation with Dr. Hayati one by one to discuss about our presentation slides. For my consultation, as I decided to change my topic, Dr. Hayati suggest us not to change much as we have to start everything from 0 and it may take a lot of time and it is time wasting. For the presentation, Dr. Hayati told me to search for few articles and journal for the research findings and focus on the future project and decide which I want to do for the FYP. 

Week 1 (4/4/19)
For today class, we have to present our future project FYP to the panelist and get their approval. After the presentation, the panelist will gave us some comments. For my presentation, Mr. Razif like the idea of the documentary video but it seems very mass comm and they said that it won't benefit my final future project. Mr Mike said that the documentary video will cause ongoing debate that will never end and he not recommend the idea. He also said that I have to define the line between the game and movie, and for the idea of compare and contrast between AAA games and indie games, he said that those games still contain the element of each other, it will be hard to talk about the topic. Mr Kannan told me that I should think about what I really want to do and if I decided to do interactive story, the drawing skill have to improve.

My presentation slides: 


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