Web Design and New Media

Web Design and New Media

Wu Xin Ying
Week 1- Week 14 (March 2018- June 2018)

Week 1
For the first class, Mr Shamsul brief us on the module outline of this module and show us the exercises and assignments that we need to complete throughout the semester.


Project 1- Landing page design
For this assignment, we are required to choose any existing local service and product company and use all the information and images from the Websites to redesign the landing page of the chosen website.

My Chosen website
Product: Baskin Robbins ( http://baskinrobbins.com.my/scoop-cake-special.html )
Reasons: The website is too small and even cannot scroll down. Poor layout and the website is not interesting.The text is too small in the catalogue, users are unable to see clearly.

Service: Public Bank ( https://www.pbebank.com/ )
Reasons: Poor layout and not interesting, attractive. The website is too messy and too much information. It looks complicated and confusing.

First, I sketch 10 wire frames for both service and product websites and show it to Mr Shamsul. After finalized the sketches, I started to illustrate it in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustration and show it to Mr Shamsul. 

Feedback from Mr Shamsul: For the product website ( Baskin Robbins), Mr Shamsul told me to increase the opacity of the pictures and change the typeface. Moreover, Mr Shamsul also told me to change the color to a brighter color so that it doesn't looks dull. Mr Shamsul also told me to add more information in the footer of the website. For the service website ( Public Bank), Mr Shamsul told me to change the typeface and increase the opacity of the pictures as well. Mr Shamsul also told me to adjust the alignment of the "login" button and the navigation bar.Furthermore, Mr Shamsul told me to decrease the seize of the icons and the "login" button. For the color, Mr Shamsul told me to change the red color into a brighter red and replace the black color with white color.

After received the feedback from Mr Shamsul, I had made some changes on my landing page design.

Final Landing Page Design
Product ( Baskin Robbins)

Final Landing Page Design for my chosen product

Service ( Public Bank )

Final Landing Page Design for my chosen service


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