Video Editing and Production

Video Editing and Production

Wu Xin Ying

March 2018 - July 2018
Video Editing and Production

Week 1
In the first class, Mr Martin gave us some briefing of MIB of this module and explained about assessment that we need to complete throughout the semester. After that, Mr Martin also gave some introduction about Adobe Premiere Pro and gave us an exercise.

Mr Martin gave us a file that contain some shots. We need to arrange them into a right sequence and edit them to become a video.

Final Video:

Link to google drive:

Week 2
In today's class, Mr Martin gave us lecture about storytelling in film and cinematography. We learned about how to take a good shots, camera angle, type of shots, subject angle and so on. Mr Martin also introduced us some useful tools in Adobe Premiere Pro. After that, Mr Martin gave some exercises for us to practice.

1) Photoshooting

We were divided into pairs and we need to shoot the following angles:

-Low Angle wide shot
- Eye-Level MS
- Profile MS
- Extreme Close-Up shot
-Close-Up shot
-3/4 Rear MCU shot
-Extreme Wide Angle shot
-Over-The-Shoulder MCU shot

Low Angle wide shot

Eye-Level MS

Proflie MS

Extreme Close-Up shot

Close-Up shot

3/4 Rear MCU shot

Extreme Wide Angle shot

Over-The-Shoulder MCU shot

2) Video 

Mr Martin gave us a video reference and according to the story line of the video, we need to do an exercise that similar to week 1 which is to arrange a few shots and edit them to produce a video.

I have arranged the shots according to the story line in a video that Mr Martin showed us before giving the exercise. After that, I had deleted some unnecessary part of those shots given and combined them at the timeline of Adobe Premiere Pro.

Video reference:

Final Video:

Link to google drive:

Week 3
For today's class, Mr Martin gave us a lecture about 3 act structure.

3 Act Structure

Act 1: Setup part (who? Where? What? what problem?)
Act 2: Confrontation of the problem in story ( Climax)
Act 3: Resolution of the problem

In order to let us more understand about 3 Act Structure, Mr Martin showed us two short videos and asked us to analyse the story line and divide it into 3 Act Structure.

3 Act Structure Exercise

Week 4
For this week, Mr Martin divided us into 2 groups and we have our first shooting exercise base on a video (

scene of shooting exercise

scene of shooting exercise

Week 5
For today's class, Mr Martin gave us a lecture about lighting & Mise En Scene. 
Mise En Scene is everything that appears before the camera including:
-Decor and Props
-Costume and Make up
-Movement and Acting

For today exercise, we need to edit and arrange our shots that we taken last week and make it into a short video. Mr Martin also taught us how to add the subtitles and credits in the video in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Editing the video in Adobe  Premiere Pro

Final Video:

Link to google drive:

Week 6
In today class, Mr Martin taught us about color correction in Adobe Premiere Pro. Mr Martin showed us some tools in Adobe Premiere Pro to do color correction which is the tools under color correction column. The tools included Lumetri Color and Color Wheel.

Mr Martin gave us an exercise which is use the video that we edited last week and try adjust and balance the color and saturation of the video.

Week 7
For this week, Mr Martin gave us an exercise which we need to plan for our second shooting exercise. For the second shooting exercise, we have to shoot and produce a video according to the reference given by Mr Martin. We have plan the story board and divide our roles for this shooting exercise.

Reference video:

Crew list

Storyboard 1

Storyboard 2

Week 8
For today class, we start to arrange the shots that we have took on our shooting session last week and edit to produce a video.

Final Video:

Link to google drive:

Project 1 
For this project, according to the given theme "The End of The World" , we need to come out with a story line, storyboard and produce a short video.
Reference video :

Main Character :
Gennie is a student who studying Biomedical Science in University which was forced by her parents. Her interest was playing games and she wanted to be a game designer. She feel very stress with her academy and she don't interested in Biomedical at all.

Sub character :
-The Evil Gennie in game
Monster in game

-Jeremy (Gennie's boyfriend)

Story line
Beginning: The story started with a student who stress with his studies and he decided to commit suicide. She went to the roof top of his Uni and jump down from there. She closed her eyes and jump down. During the moment she was falling down, memories flies through her mind and she started to feel regret.

Middle: After she woke up, she realized and shocked that she didn’t death and she was in the world of a game (The end of the world). She started to feel curious and explore around in that world. After that, she found that he need to fight and escape from this game in order to go back to the world of reality (She was injured and lying in hospital). If she failed to do so, she will dead. (The game is like giving her a second chance to live)

End: She finally escape from the first mission and she thought that she won the game.

Moral values: To tell audience not to commit suicide simply. Life has it's ups and downs. Every problem must have a solution for it, just face the problem and keep fighting. Everything will be better. Don't lose hope and don't give up.

Scene 1: Gennie was walking upstairs to the roof top of building. ( with some flash back scene of he suffering from stress)

Scene 2: Gennie standing on the roof top of building and jumps down from there.

Scene 3: Memories flash back. (happy memories with her parents, girlfriend and friends)

Scene 4: Gennie woke up and she was in the world of the game. The world was just like the end of the world. She started explore around.

Scene 5: Gennie found a dead notebook and the information of the game was written inside the book. She received a quest from the game and realized that she need to fight and escape from the world to get back to the world of reality.

Scene 6: Fighting scenes and escape from disaster.

Scene 7: Gennie was finally completed the first mission.

Scene 8: She thought she was back to reality and had an illusion of her boyfriend.

Shooting Locations
-Roof top of Taylor's building

-Abandon building

-Friend's house
-Cyber Cafe

Actor & Actress
Gennie - Xin Ying (me)
The Evil Gennie in game - Xin Tian
Jeremy -  Zi Qin

Visual references

Final Video

Link to google drive:


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