30 August 2017 - 27 September 2017 (Week 1 - Week 5)
Wu Xin Ying (0328708)
Typography and Hypertextuality
Week 1
Week 2
On today's lecture, Mr Vinod had explained the meaning of typography and some of the history of typography.
"Typography is an art, Good typography is art."
Calligraphy > Lettering > Typography
Font: The individual font or the weight within the typeface, for example, Georgia Regular, Georgia Italic and Georgia Bold.
Typeface: The whole family of fonts that share similar characteristics, for example, Georgia, Arial, Times New Roman, Didot and Futura.
Type family: The many weights within an individual typeface, for example, Frutiger Pro 45 Light, Frutiger Pro 46 Light Italic and Frutiger Pro 55 Roman.
Week 3
This week's lecture was cancelled.
Week 4
For today's lecture, we had learned the many component parts of letterforms such as apex, vertex, arm, ascender, barb and beak.
Fig.1 Example of the some component parts of letterforms |
Exercise 1(week 1): Calligraphy
We are told to practice vertical, horizontal lines and circles on graph paper by using calligraphy pen.
Fig. 2 Practice stroke lines and circles |
Fig.3 Horizontal lines |
Fig.4 Vertical lines |
Fig.5 Circles |
Exercise 2 ( Week 2 ) : Lettering
I have chose black letter for my alphabet practice exercise.
Fig.6 Black letters |
Fig.7 |
Fig.7 & 8 Practicing alphabets |
Fig. 9 |
Fig.10 |
Fig. 11 |
Fig. 12 |
Fig.8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 Alphabets of black letter |
Fig. 14 Practicing write a quote |
Fig.15 My final work of the quote |
Exercise 3 ( week 3) : Type Expression
We were told to design our name which describe our characteristics and animate it by using Adobe Illustrator.
The design of my name: The 'g' with the panda shows I'm a person who love animal and the other alphabets are designed with emoji indicate cute and adorable.
Fig. 16 My sketch of my name |
Fig. 17 A screenshot of animating my name |
Fig. 18 Thumbnails of my name "Xin Ying" |
Fig.19 Animated my name with Photoshop |
Fig. 20 Thumbnails of my name "Xin Ying" ( After feedback) |
Fig. 21 Animated my name with Photoshop (After feedback) |
Exercise 4 (week 4) : Six words type expressions
Fig. 22 My sketch of six words |
Fig. 23 Six words edited in Illustrator |
Fig. 24 Six words after feedback |
Fig. 25 Thumbnail of JUMBO 1 |
Fig. 26 Thumbnail of JUMBO 2 |
Fig. 27 Thumbnail of JUMBO 3 |
Fig. 28 Thumbnail of JUMBO 4 |
Fig. 29 Thumbnail of JUMBO 5 |
Fig. 30 Thumbnail of JUMBO 6 |
Fig. 31 Thumbnail of JUMBO 7 |
Fig. 32 Thumbnail of JUMBO 8 |
Fig. 33 Animated JUMBO |
Fig.46 Page 13 of story book |
Week 1
Week 2
Mr Vinod told us that we need to hold the calligraphy pen correctly with a right angle and maintain it all the time. Next, we do not need to hold the pen too tight. For the vertical, horizontal line and lettering, Mr Vinod also told us that we did not need to follow the box as long as the distance between is the same. For the alphabets, Mr Vinod told me that i had chose a wrong script to practice the alphabets and told me to refer to others' scripts.
Week 3
At the begining of today's class, Mr Vinod told us to show our exercises on calligraphy strokes, circles, and alphabets. He told us to pay attention on other's comments also so that it also can apply on us. Mr Vinod advised us that when we practising alphabets, we need to break part of the alphabets so that it will be more easier for us to get the technique of calligraphing the alphabets. Mr Vinod also told me that I need to practise the alphabets more on the white paper and try not to write too big. After that, we are told to design our name that represent our characteristics. Then, we are told to create an animation of our name that we designed by using illustrator.
Week 4
Mr Vinod told us that all of the digital works must be done in illustrator not Photoshop. He also told us that we should manage our time well and done our work on time. Moreover, Mr Vinod also reminded us to walk around and take a look on others' work and not just sit on our own table. For the my lettering, Mr Vinod told me that the word should not be sharp and round so that it looks smooth. Besides, the word also must be in black and white. For the animation of my name, I have to add more slides so that the animation look smoother. For the type expression, my deep and crooked is okay but my noisy, jumbo, dig and hollow need to refine. Mr Vinod also told me that don't always use italic for the type expression.
Week 5
For my blog, Mr Vinod told me to include the works(before and after feedback) so that it shows more works I had done. Mr Shamsul told me that i have to fix my blog as the spacing should be balance between each paragraph. Moreover, Mr Shamsul said that the size of my caption should be smaller and I need to adjust my text size so that it looks more clean and suitable. I also need to include reflection and the description of my animated name. Then, the background of blog need to be white and don't change the background with picture so that it allow us to look easier. Mr Vinod also reminded us to pay attention when Mr Shamsul explaining the information about In Design so that we will not face a lot of difficulties while doing assignment 1.
Week one: Absent. Week two; This is my first class of this module as i just registered at week one and I felt so lost as I had missed a lot in week one. Week three; I enjoy designing my name but I have face some difficulties when drawing my name using Adobe Illustrator as I was not familiar to the software. Week four; I found that it was not easy for me to design six words that express the meaning of them and there was a limited types of fonts that we can use to design the words.
Week one: Absent. Week two; I had asked my classmates about the information of the class and the works that i missed in week one. I tried very hard to catch up the works that my classmates had done. Week three; I tried to observe and figure out the problem that I face while editing my name in Adobe Illustrator. Week four; I had done many of research to find the inspirations to design the words and spent a lot of time to think and design the words with the best expression of the meaning of the words.
Week one: Absent. Week two; I had completed my first work (calligraphy) and lettering. At first, i was holding the calligraphy pen with a wrong way and wrong angle so I can't write the alphabet, lines and circles nicely. The way of holding the pen was very important for calligraphy and lettering. Week three; After finish animated my name, I feel a sense of accomplishment when finally watching my name that I had designed was moving as I had done many adjustment while editing it. Week four; I realized that we should always do research and read in order to complete a successful work.
Book of the week
Typeface: Classic Typography for Contemporary Design by Tamye Riggs
Fig. 34 |
Fig. 34 &35 Typeface: Classic Typography for Contemporary Design |
From this book, I can learn and understand more about many typefaces such as Bodoni, Bookman, Century, Meta and so on. In this book, it contains the information about the history and the uses of each typeface.
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