Design Research Methodology

Design Research Methodology

Wu Xin Ying
Aug 2018 - Dec 2018
Design Research Methodology


Week 1
Class cancelled.

Week 2
For our first class, Dr. Hayati gave us an introduction about this module and brief us on the Module Outline. She also brief us about all the assignments that we need to done throughout the semester. After that, she told us to select a topic that we interested from the list give in MIB for assignment 1 (Research Proposal). For the research, we need to identify a research problem within a topic that we chose. She told us to choose properly because it will be our research and need to proceed to the Final Year Project. I chose games because I love to play games and it was an interesting topic for me. She divided us into few groups according to our chosen topic and she want us to discuss about the topic among the group. Before the class end, Dr. Hayati told us to search for the research problem and do some research on it.

Week 3
Class cancelled. (Public Holiday)

Week 4
Class cancelled. (Public Holiday)

Week 5
For today class, Dr. Hayati gave us lectures about Critical Reviews and Method of Data Collection.

Image result for critical review

What is Critical Review?
A critical review is much more than a summary; it is an analysis and evaluation of a book, article, or other medium. Writing a good critical review requires that you understand the material, and that you know how to analyse and evaluate that material using appropriate criteria.
A critical review of a journal article evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of an article's ideas and content. It provides description, analysis and interpretation that allow readers to assess the article's value.

Process of writing a critical review

Skim the whole text to determine the overall thesis, structure and methodology. This will help you better understand how the different elements fit together once you begin reading carefully.

Read critically. It is not enough to simply understand what the author is saying; it is essential to
challenge it. Examine how the article is structured, the types of reasons or evidence used to support the conclusions, and whether the author is reliant on underlying assumptions or theoretical frameworks. Take copious notes that reflect what the text means AND what you think about it.

Examine all elements. All aspects of the text—the structure, the methods, the reasons and evidence, the conclusions, and, especially, the logical connections between all of these should be considered.

Formulate a thesis based on your overall evaluation. A strong thesis will acknowledge both strengths and limitations. Ensure that your thesis answers the assignment. If you are asked to write a review of a single text, with no outside sources, then your essay should focus strictly on the material in the text and your analysis and evaluation of it. If you are asked to write about more than one work, or to draw connections between an article or book and the course material, then your review should address these concerns. Choose a structure that will best allow you to support your thesis within the required page constraints. The first example below works well with shorter assignments, but the risk is that too much time will be spent developing the overview, and too little time on the evaluation. The second example works better for longer reviews because it provides the relevant description with the analysis and evaluation, allowing the reader to follow the argument easily.

Structure of a critical review

Week 6
On today class, Dr. Hayati brief us on critical review and gave us a lecture on how to do a
critical review. She also show us the structure of a critical review and the effective method of searching a journal.

Step 1: Reading
Skim the whole text to determine the overall thesis, structure and methodology. This will help to a better understand how the different elements fit together when begin reading carefully.

Step 2: Analyzing
Examine all elements. All aspects of the text which are the structure, the methods, the reasons and evidence, the conclusions, and, especially, the logical connections between all of these should be considered.

Step 3: Writing
Formulate a thesis based on overall evaluation. A strong thesis will acknowledge both strengths and limitations. Avoid presenting the points in a laundry-list style and synthesize the information as much as possible.

Week 7
Today was the presentation of Critical Review but I have absent as I'm not feeling well. I have showed my progress of critical review to Dr. Hayati on the next class.

Week 8
For today class, Dr. Hayati gave us a lecture on visual analysis and asked us to do our research implementation and prepare a presentation on next week.

Visual analysis is the basic unit of art historical writing. Sources as varied as art magazines, scholarly books, and undergraduate research papers rely on concise and detailed visual analyses. The purpose of a visual analysis is to recognize and understand the visual choices the artist made in creating the artwork. By observing and writing about separate parts of the art object, you will come to a better understanding of the art object as a whole. A visual analysis addresses an artwork’s formal elements which is visual attributes such as color, line, texture, and size. A visual analysis may also include historical context or interpretations of meaning.

Week 9
Today is the presentation of our ideas of research implementation. For today presentation, Dr. Hayati said that my questionnaire are too social science and need to be realistic as I have to create a game next semester. She suggested that I have to focus on the art of the game play of a competitive game. She also reminded all of us to number and rearrange our questionnaire and our questionnaire should not be bias.


Week 1
Class cancelled. (Public Holiday)

Week 2
For our first tutorial, Dr. Hayati asked us to present our ideas about our research problem of our chosen topic in front of the class. For my first idea, the problem that I found in game industry is the addiction of video games.

Related image

A person developing a liking for it can go on and on with it for hours together, not even realizing the amount of time he has been spending on it. People addicted to video games also suffer from bad relationships. This happens because gaming addicts fail to balance the time they need to invest in cultivating their family or social relations and the amount of time they spend on gaming. In other words, they fail to devote quality time to their relationships in lieu of which they tend to have no family or social life left. Moreover, bad time management of gamers will also affect their academic performance. Added to this, the amount of money that is spend on buying new games, newer versions of the existing ones, or in-game items, cannot be overlooked. This may economically affect that person as well. Eventually, this may affect in their future.

Image result for league of legends wallpaper hd

Thus, my research problem is "Games can be recognized as an occupation". Gamers can earn money through winning the tournament so that their future will be secure. However, for my research problem, Dr. Hayati said that my problem statement is more on social science. She said that we should see ourselves as future content provider and we can't create an occupation. She told me to change a perspective and think more about what we can do as a future game developer to solve the problem.

Week 3
For this week, we have a session with librarian (Ms. Fauziatul) to learn about research techniques in library. From the librarian session, we are able to search for reliable information resources for
research, evaluating information, acknowledging sources and citing and referencing. There are 5 steps of information skills which including:

1. Define your topic ( Identify topic and develop keywords)
2. Select your sources. ( Identify sources which are printed or online)
3. Search, locate and access materials ( Searching strategy and types of resources)
4. Evaluate sources ( Reliability)
5. Use Ethically (Plagiarism and citation)

Effective searching techniques
1. Singular or Plural
Examples : methodology / methodologies

2. Variations of words
Examples : - Apps- applications
                   - Aged- ageing- aging

3. Alternative Spelling (BRI vs. AME)
Examples : - Organisation / organization
                   - Colour / color

4. Alternative terms (other culture)
Examples: - Football / soccer
                  - Secondary school / high school

5. Broader terms / Narrower terms
Examples: - Multimedia
                  - Mobile App
                  - Health App

6. Specialist terminology
Examples: - Vitamin C / ascorbic acid

Searching Strategies

1. Phrase Searching "---------"
-Search a oarticular phrase, theory and framework

2. Truncation *
Include variant endings of the root word

3. Wildcards ? / #
Include variants of a word / alternative spelling

4. Boolean Operators
-To limits, expands and reduce results

Other than that, Ms Fauziatul also explained the sources of information we can use which including library catalogue, mulT-search, online database, electronic books/ journals and the internet resources.

Week 4
For today class, Dr. Hayati have an one by one consultation with classes about our research proposal. For today consultation, Dr. Hayati said that my research proposal is almost there but need to change the objectives. She said that my objective is too hard to achieve and need to be the objective that can be achieve through the research. She also told me to add more research questions and separate them into two categories which are conceptual and technical. 

Week 5
For today class, Dr. Hayati consulted us regarding on our finalization of our research proposal. For today consultation, Dr. Hayati said that my research proposal should have citation and references. She also said that I have to decide a topic for my research proposal. She also remind us to number our references.

Week 7 
For today tutorial, Dr. Hayati have a consultation with us regarding to the critical review. For the critical review, She told me to include the pdf file of my journal into the presentation slide. After that, she also told me to search on more journals to complete the critical review.

Week 9
For today class, Dr. Hayati asked us to start thinking and prepare our questionnaire for our survey and interview. She also told us that our questions included in survey and interview need to be relevant and we have to know the purpose of asking a certain questions. She also told us that we have to be patient while waiting for out participant to response.

Week 10
For today tutorial, Dr Hayati gave us a consultation on our implementation research. For my primary research, Dr Hayati told me to change some of my questions as it is not suit my research objective. She also told me to paraphrase my question as some of them tend to be bias.

Week 11 
For today class, Dr Hayati briefed us on our research implementation report. She explained to us about things that need to be include in the report. She also reminded us to check Times as she already uploaded two examples of implementation report as our references.

Week 12
For today class, Dr Hayati have a consultation with the class regarding our research implementation report and told us what we need to change and improve. For me, Dr Hayati asked me to paraphrase some words and rearrange the sequence of the title of the report. She also told me to include the challenges that I faced into the report as well.

Week 13
For today class, Dr Hayati briefed us on our peer review presentation. She explained to us about things that need to include in the presentation and our final report. She also reminded us to ask questions while our class mates is presenting to get some extra marks.

Week 14
Today, we have our peer review presentation in our class. For the presentation, we have to explain the our research topic and our entire research journey and obstacles we faced while doing the research. we were asked to ask questions while other presenting in order to get some marks as it is a peer review session. For my presentation, Dr Hayati told me to bring back my topic with more explanation so that my topic will not seem like a social science topic. She also reminded us to submit our critical review in Turnitin by 9th of December and asked us to check our plagiarism percentage. She told us that our plagiarism percentage cannot be exceed 15%. 


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