Game Design - Lecture & Exercises

Game Design - Lecture & Exercises

Wu Xin Ying
Aug 2018 - Dec 2018
Game Design 


Week 1
On the first week of this module, Mr Kannan gave us an introduction and briefing about this module. He gave us some briefing about the assignments that we need to complete throughout the whole semester. For this module, we need to design and develop a functional 2D side scrolling game by using Unity.  After that, Mr Kannan Showed us some of the seniors' works and told us to list down the pros and cons.

Example 1 ( Wish Upon a Star by Vivien Christian Cahyadi )

1.The game play is interesting as the tasks in the game are not just killing the monsters, there are something to be unlock in order to continue the game
2.There are interactions in the game play such the dialogues with the NPC
3.The characters design and color are attractive
4.The background music and sound effect is good
5.Contain background story and purpose to kill the monsters

1.Some monster killing are not challenging

Example 2 ( Oni Hime gameplay )

1.There are some effects after a monster killed

1. The game play is not interesting as it don't have background story and no purpose to kill the enemy
2. The color scheme is too plain and not attractive
3. The design of character is not interesting
4. No reward
5. No background music and sound effects
6. No interaction

Example 3 ( Tanuki Nin by Liam Yue Wei )

1. The sound effects is good

1. No purpose of collecting the coins
2. Color scheme is too dull
3. Killing the enemies are not challenging
4. No interaction
5. No introduction, goal or purpose
6. No reward

For this week's task, Mr Kannan told us to explore more on games and started to think about some ideas and story of our game design and started to sketch some characters. Mr Kannan also told us to update our blog weekly and download Unity for coming tutorials.

Week 2
For today's class, Mr Kannan gave us a briefing on the timeline of the this module. It divided into 3 phases which is Pre Production, Production and Post Production.

 After that, Mr Kannan showed us an example of game prototype platform design. He told us to start our game platform design by using the simple shapes. Mr Kannan gave us a lecture about game design.

L.O.D (Level of Details)
Level of detail is a general design term for video game landscapes in which closer objects are rendered with more polygons than objects that are farther away.

2D - Texture sprite (sheets)

3D - Texture sheet polycount

F.O.V ( Field of View)
Field of view (FOV) is the open observable area that is seen at any given moment.

After that, Mr Kannan told us to list out the elements in a game play of "Ori and the Blind Forest" and define the priorities.

Elements that listed down:
1. Platforms-P1
2. Characters-P1
3. Power up!-P3
4. Environment-P1
5. Item-P2
6. Puzzle
7. Checkpoint-P1
8. Depth of field-P3
9. H.U.D (Heads-up display)-P2
10. Portal-P3
11. Collectibles 
12. Reward-P3
13. L.O.D (Level of Details)-P3
14. Background-P3
15. Obstacles-P1

Week 3
Class cancelled (Public Holiday)

Week 4
Class cancelled (Public Holiday)

Week 5
For today class, Mr Kannan have a consultation with us to discuss about our progress on our character design and game story and concept. He also explained about grey box and told us to come out with our own grey box next week. He told us to use simple shapes to represent the game objects, characters, monsters and also platform. For moving platform, he also told us to use arrow to show the direction of the platform would move to. He have us an example of grey box as our reference.

Week 6
For today class, we have a consultation session with Mr Kannan. For the consultation, Mr Kannan told me to export the image of grey box from Adobe Illustrator and import to Unity as a reference so that it will be easier for me to create the game in Unity.
These are my grey box design :

Week 7
Consultation session. For today consultation, Mr Kannan told me to use gradient as the background of the game,
My game art style :

Week 8
Consultation session.

Week 9
Consultation session.

Week 2
For today class, Mr Razif divided us into few groups consist of 4-5 members. Each group will be given a pack of cards. By using the cards, we need to design our own card game. For my group, (Jesslyn, Umar, Chris, Azry, and me ) we created some games but we faced a lot of problems while designing the games.

First game (Chosen game)
At first, we created a game call "Semi-speed". For this game, we use a game call "speed game" as the reference. Each of the players will receive 5 cards, 2 random cards will be open and place at the center. The rest of the cards will be place as the center as well. From the 2 random cards in the center, players have to continue the card by placing the cards with numbers + 1 or -1 of the on the top of the 2 random cards. Players can choose which side to put at. While placing the cards, players cannot show their card as the card need to be close and told other players the number of your card. Players can lie to each other with a wrong card and others can choose to be believe or not. If you said that a player was lied and he or she was lied, that player have to take all the cards below the card that he or she place at. A new card will be pick and place at the center to replace the cards that been taken. If you said that a player was lied and he or she did not, you have to take all the cards. The player who the first finished the cards will be the winner.

Tips: As the cards on the top are close, players have to remember what cards is it.

Second game (Failed)
For this game, we use mafia game as reference. This game require a moderator who does not participate as a player, and identities are assigned by handing out cards. When the game start, every player is given the identities of their teammates, whereas the innocents only receive the number of mafioso in the game, and do not know which players are mafia and which are innocents. There are two phases: night and day. At night, certain players secretly perform special actions; during day, players discuss and vote to "lynch," or eliminate, one player.

How to win?
Killers: Kill all the villagers
Villages/ Police/ healer : find out all the killers

Roles include in these game:
Villagers : most of the players (discuss and vote to eliminate player)
Police: investigate and find out the killer
Killer: Kill one person at night
Healer: Need to estimate and save someone who mostly will be killed by killer

For our game design, we use
King as King, (can't decide what ability he had)
Queen as healer,
Jack as police, and
Joker as Killer.

The game play is similar as the mafia game, we just added one round that players will pick one of the card from player beside and the role may change.
The problems that we found are:
-Player will change role if they pick cards from others
-Some players will have two roles
-King don't have an ability

After that, Mr Razif told us to take turn and play the card games that created by other groups. For this session, we enjoyed and have a lot of fun as the game play was interesting and we learnt from each other's game design ideas.

Week 3
For today class, Mr Razif gave introduce us a game development software which is Unity. He taught us about the basic and introduce the tools in Unity. Firstly, he told us to create cube and add Rigidbody to create mass and gravity. After that, Mr Razif taught us some simple coding in Visual Studio and explained some variables and functions for the coding.

Void Update ()
The Update function is the main place for this kind of code in Unity. Update is called before the frame is rendered and also before animations are calculated.

Void Start ()
Start is called on the frame when a script is enabled just before any of the Update methods are called the first time.

int : An integer.

float : A fractional (floating point) number / number with decimals

String : A sequence of characters.

Boolean : A true/false value. It can an only contain either the value true or false.

Debug.Log :  Use to output some information.

Condition statements

1. Larger than ( > )
2. Smaller than ( < )
3. Larger equals to ( > = )
4. Smaller equals to ( < = )
5. Double equals ( == ) : use to compare whether the both values are same
6. Not equals to ( ! ) : use to state that the value is not the same

Week 4
No class. (Public holiday)

Week 5
For today;s tutorial, Mr Razif  taught us about the movement of character such as moving to left and right, jump and items pick up. He showed us how to code the scripts of the keyboard control function. For moving left and right, we use left and right arrow and the button A and D as well. For jumping, we use space bar. In order to pick up item, we need to add Destroy ( other.gameObject) in the scripts so that when the character collide with the item, the item will be destroy,

Week 6
On today class, Mr Razif taught us about the item count. Firstly, he told us to create a game object and rename it as _gameBrain. After that, he told us to create canvas and add text to show the numbers of item collected on the screen of game. After that, he also told us to get the free particle effects pack in Unity Store and taught us how to apply the effects in game.

Week 7
Class cancelled.

Week 8
For today's class, Mr Razif taught us about how to apply animation on characters. For this tutorial, we were given the animation sprites to use for our practices in class. First, we have to trim the footage of the animation and drag it into the screen and create a new animation and rename it. After that, we have to go to the Animator to add the conditions to trigger the animations.

Week 9
Online blended learning.

Week 10
Working on our game design project.


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