Illustration and Visual Narrative

Illustration and Visual Narrative

Wu Xin Ying

Ongoing Exercise

Week 1 exercise
Cut the pear using knife tool in Adobe Illustrator

Week 2 - 4 - Vormator exercise & laser cut

Design a vormator using these shape in Adobe Illustrator

My final vormator design

Vormator with the background

Pokemon card

Laser cut of my vormator

Week 6 Exercise

Assignment 2: That (Decisive) Moment

Duration of Assignment:
Week 5 – Week 7

The Brief:

Editorial illustration is typically a type of work has a deep history in political satire, especially though extends beyond the world of politics. Every day, newspapers and magazines print illustrations alongside their articles to illuminate some element of the concepts for the reader. For this assignment, you must find a related article/story that discuss Urban Legends. The legends maybe local or international. Example:

Your task is to develop an animated (limited) illustration for an editorial to represent the chosen text. Examples as shown in class. You are to interpret the narratives decisive moment or the climax of the narrative.

You have 2 weeks, ensure that you plan your time wisely. Tutorials will be done in a smaller group and tutorials slots will be made available online.

The Outcome:
  • Interpret a passage of text (story); illustrate the decisive moment (climax).
  • The end product must be animated (limited animation).
  • You Must use Adobe Illustrator to create the assets and you may animate it in Adobe Photoshop.
  • The outcome must be portrait.

Research keywords:

Limited animation, animated editorial illustration, urban legends, narrative structure.

Week 5
Session 1:
L: Narrative Structure
P: Story research
T: Research and Mood boards

Session 2:
T: Sketches
T: Storyboards

Week 6
Session 3:
P: Assets in Illustrator

Session 4:
P: Animating in Photoshop

Week 7
Session 5:
P: Crit session

Urban legend that I chose: Hanako- San

Hanako-san or (Hanako of the toilet) is a Japanese urban legend about the spirit of a young World War II-era girl who haunts school bathrooms. She was a girl with bobbed hair and a red skirt who lived during the time of World War II. She was playing hide and seek with friends in her school one day and hid in the third stall of the girl’s bathroom. However while she was crouched and waiting in the stall. Some planes came and bombed the area, causing that part of the school to collapse on her. She died innocently in the third stall of bathroom and she was waiting to be summoned. In the third stall in the girl’s bathroom, it always seems to have a crudely scrawled ‘out of order’ sign taped to it no matter how many times it’s been taken down. Walking by the other day it sounded like someone was in there talking to themselves even though no feet could be seen under the stall. There’s something about that bathroom too, the lights are always turning off on their own. And more than a few people have reported the sound of doors opening and slamming shut as they walked away from the empty bathroom. To summon her, people have to go to the third stall of the bathroom on the third floor of school and knock. Then, ask her a question. "Anata wa, Hanako-San , ga arimasu." which mean " Hanako-San, are you there?" She might not be there or will answer in a faint voice. "Watashi no koko ni iru ya" which mean "Yes, I'm here." If you choose toopen the door of the third stall, a girl in a red skirt and black bobbed hair will be there and she most likely then drown you in the toilet.


Research board
sketches of my decisive moment

sketches of my decisive moment

Progression of sketches 

Art deco references

Hanako- San Art Deco Poster ( before feedback)

Hanako- San Art Deco Poster ( after feedback)
Hanako-San GIF

Assignment 3 (Animated Graphic Novel: Lost in Transitions)

Duration of Assignment: 
Week 7 – Week 10

20% (progression/formative)

The Brief:
According to American Cartoonist and Theorist, Scott McCloud transitions in sequential art (in particular comics id est graphic novels) separates the panel-to-panel transitions into five importantly utilized categories.

“moment-to-moment transitions, action-to-action transitions, subject-to-subject transitions, scene-to-
scene transitions, aspect-to-aspect transitions.”

Number 6, non sequitur transitions will not be used for this assignment.
The different types of transitions can also affect pacing, such as moment-to-moment transitions which

are marked by stretches of time, and aspect-to-aspect transitions which stop time.

You are to produce a series of animated (gif) graphic novel panels based on your selection from Edgar
Allan Poe’s stories or poem (

Boulet’s Our Toyota Was Awesome

What to Illustrate: 
Any 3 transitional moments

You will refer to the story and translate it to suitable transitions.

Amount of Panels : 
6 Panels min

The graphic novel shall demonstrate at least three from the five types of transitions (except for Non
Sequitur). Each transitions shall have a minimum of two panels. Therefore 6 panels in total.

Photoshop / Illustrator

Size : 
950 x 323 pixels max each transitional set

The canvas size of each set of panels shall be no wider than 950 pixels and no higher than 323 pixels


Week 7

Week 8
Research: Narrative Selection / Story arcs
breakdown / Mind mapping
Development: Mood boards / Concept boards

/ Initial Sketches

Week 9
Creative Direction: Framing / Composition
Art Direction: Illustrating in Photoshop /
Introduction to Adobe Animate

Week 10
Final review

Crit and assessment


Poem that I chose : For Annie

Thank Heaven! the crisis, 
The danger, is past, 
And the lingering illness 
Is over at last
And the fever called "Living" 
Is conquered at last. 

Sadly, I know 
I am shorn of my strength, 
And no muscle I move 
As I lie at full length
But no matter! I feel 
I am better at length. 

And I rest so composedly, 
Now, in my bed, 
That any beholder 
Might fancy me dead
Might start at beholding me, 
Thinking me dead. 

The moaning and groaning, 
The sighing and sobbing, 
Are quieted now, 
With that horrible throbbing 
At heart: ah, that horrible, 
Horrible throbbing! 

The sickness-the nausea 
The pitiless pain
Have ceased, with the fever 
That maddened my brain
With the fever called "Living" 
That burned in my brain. 

And oh! of all tortures 
That torture the worst 
Has abated the terrible 
Torture of thirst 
For the naphthaline river 
Of Passion accurst:
I have drank of a water 
That quenches all thirst:

Of a water that flows, 
With a lullaby sound, 
From a spring but a very few 
Feet under ground
From a cavern not very far 
Down under ground. 

And ah! let it never 
Be foolishly said 
That my room it is gloomy 
And narrow my bed; 
For man never slept 
In a different be
And, to sleep, you must slumber 
In just such a bed. 

My tantalized spirit 
Here blandly reposes, 
Forgetting, or never 
Regretting, its roses
Its old agitations 
Of myrtles and roses: 

For now, while so quietly 
Lying, it fancies 
A holier odor 
About it, of pansies
A rosemary odor, 
Commingled with pansies
With rue and the beautiful 
Puritan pansies. 

And so it lies happily, 
Bathing in many 
A dream of the truth 
And the beauty of Annie 
Drowned in a bath 
Of the tresses of Annie. 

She tenderly kissed me, 
She fondly caressed, 
And then I fell gently 
To sleep on her breast 
Deeply to sleep 
From the heaven of her breast. 

When the light was extinguished, 
She covered me warm, 
And she prayed to the angels 
To keep me from harm
To the queen of the angels 
To shield me from harm

And I lie so composedly, 
Now, in my bed, 
(Knowing her love) 
That you fancy me dead
And I rest so contentedly, 
Now in my bed 
(With her love at my breast). 
That you fancy me dead
That you shudder to look at me, 
Thinking me dead:

But my heart it is brighter 
Than all of the many 
Stars in the sky, 
For it sparkles with Annie
It glows with the light 
Of the love of my Annie
With the thought of the light 
Of the eyes of my Annie. 

mind map 
 Sketches of poem


 Final Art Work (Graphic Novel)

 Animated GIF ( Graphic Novel)

Final assignment : Portfolio (Webcomic/tunnel book) 40%

Week10 - week14

Front & Back and Back & Forth
An undertaking of a series of Illustrations to illuminate narrative spaces and transitions that allow to demonstrate technical and conceptual abilities.

Narratives can be conveyed in many ways. Some narratives follow a traditional linear arc. Other narratives loop in time, flash forward and back, restructure sequence or employ aspect-to-aspect transitions. Some view the same incident from different perspectives. Multiple narratives can be spliced together. Events can be placed in random order. Panels can be subverted. And several narrative threads can be simultaneously told. Narratives can be poetic. They can explore internal emotions instead of external action. They can investigate a central theme. Narratives can be shaped around predetermined rules. They can be reversed, labyrinthine in nature, and involve multiple readings with ambiguous beginnings and endings.


Based on the given narrative you are to create a series of illustration to demonstrate the passage of time that leads to the one piece or concludes it. Referring to your submitted rational, you will formulate a narrative for this passage of time and produce one out of the two following outcomes:

All outcomes must utilize at least 3 layers and identify at least 3 transitional types (Scott McCloud). The outcome may include more than one perspective point, meaning it can be viewed from back to front, right to left vice versa.

Research keywords:

Webcomic, Scott McCloud, Pop up book, hand made book, tunnel book, Webtoon, Motion books


Portfolio totals 40% of the final grades. There will be checkpoints and marks shall be awarded at the checkpoint. The total weight of this assignment is 40% of the final marks. 
10 Marks for show of progress on week 10 - 11 Storytelling and storyboarding. Composition and Layers
LO1 Identify and undertake research into specific design problems or issues, and demonstrate an awareness of historical, cultural and contemporary issues.

10 Marks for show of progress on week 11 - 12 Transitions
LO5 Display evidence of creative thinking through the exploration and communication of design concepts.

20 Marks for show of progress on week 12 - 14 Creative Direction and Technical Direction. Suitability of finishing
LO2 Illustrate proficiency in the appropriate use of drawing, or other visual communication techniques in physical and/or digital environments.
LO3 Effectively use tacit making skills and/or traditional media techniques in an appropriate manner.


Though assignments may differ in category, ultimately marking criteria is based on the learning outcomes of the module. To cross reference the relationship refer to the following:

Research and Development
LO1 Identify and undertake research into specific design problems or issues, and demonstrate an awareness of historical, cultural and contemporary issues.

Creative Direction
LO5 Display evidence of creative thinking through the exploration and communication of design concepts.

Technical Direction
LO2 Illustrate proficiency in the appropriate use of drawing, or other visual communication techniques in physical and/or digital environments.
LO3 Effectively use tacit making skills and/or traditional media techniques in an appropriate manner.

Final Outcome
LO4 Demonstrate the ability to initiate and manage their own learning, evaluate their own progress, exercise reflective and critical self-analysis.

Selected story: Garden of Forgetting

Story line of Garden of Forgetting
Characters and Location settings of Garden of Forgetting


I started to sketch my foreground, mid ground and background in Adobe Photoshop. I drew them separately and combine and arrange them in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Animate. 

Below are my png of my sketches:




combination of foreground, mid ground and background


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