Advertising Principles and Practice

Advertising Principles and Practice Wu Xin Ying 0328708 Jan 2018 - Feb 2018 Advertising Principles and Practice Module Outline Lectures Week 1 Lecture 1 : What is Advertising? For the first class of this module, Mr Vinod gave us an introduction of this module. He brief us on our project and exercises that we need to done throughout the whole semester. After that, he gave us the first lecture. First, Mr Vinod asked us the meaning of advertising. He told us to break the words in a lo ng sentences to understand the meaning of it. What is Advertising? Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service. Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform or influence people who receive them. Advertising uses every possible media to get its message through. The purpose of advertising is to: - Make customers aware of a product or service - Convince or persuade customers ...