Game Design - Project
Game Design - Projects Wu Xin Ying 0328708 Aug 2018 - Dec 2018 Game Design Projects Brief Project 1 – Game Design Document/Proposal The Brief Propose you game idea in the format of a game design document. Duration of Assignment 5 Weeks DEADLINE Week 5 Description and requirements A game design document (GDD) is a complete manual detailing on the game you are proposing/developing. The purpose of the document is to plan out your game so that it can be developed by any person reading the document. The GDD should include: 1. The Title of your game 2. Introduction about the game 3. The game story 4. Elaboration of the game world 5. Visuals in the form of sketches representing the characters (hero, boss, enemies, environment, weapons, etc 6. The gameplay (information on how to play the game. Character control, power up, special abilities 7. Score mechanics (information on how the scores are distributed, gain or deducted based on specific action) 8...